
Thamsamqa “Thami” Uyterlinde-Noto (16 October 1988) was one of the victims of MH17, the passenger airplane which was fatefully shot down over the sunflower fields in Ukraine on 17 July 2014.

Thami was a young and very talented musician who studied Composition and Music Production at the Art Academy in Utrecht (HKU).  He was a musician who could think outside the box and was known for his original thinking and perspectives in his music styles. As a person, he was very inspiring. He was known to be very involved, kind, generous and true to himself. He radiated a calm serenity and his poignant remarks always had a humorous undertone and could turn a problem around by changing its perspective. He suddenly realized, while he was a student, that his ideas and his way of making music had a great impact on others and his surroundings. In order to carry his legacy forward, the Foundation will reflect Thami’s views and passion for empowering children/youth through music.